I um…had to get this new bike


I couldn’t resist this $65 find on Craigslist: A 53cm 1980s steel lugged Nishiki Custom Sport, hardly ever ridden.

Now, you may be wondering why I just acquired another 80s red steel road bike. Is this hoarding?

Well, first of all, it might be hoarding, but I prefer to think that I just got another bike that I can learn some fixin’ skills on. It fits me well, and it has more tire clearance than the Novara, making it a better candidate for winter riding. I also prefer how it has the shifters on the stem, instead of the downtube. (Less dangerous to keep balance when shifting) It’s not as light as the 23lb Novara. I haven’t weighed it, but it feels about 25lbs. I think it would be a good candidate for me to learn how to install modern brake levers and bar tape on. If I decide I don’t like it, I can probably turn it around for double what I paid. And that feels good!

CIMG3881 CIMG3888

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