Building up this vintage Apollo DeeLite frame is just one series of successes, followed by failures, followed by successes, and so on. I am sure learning a lot!
Here is a quick sequence of events thus far:
1. The whole reason I get the Apollo frame in the first place is as a consolation because I FORGOT to check the downtube of a Craigslist vintage Novara Strada that I bought this winter.
Failure: Novara had front-end damage, not safe to ride. Success: Snazzy Apollo frame for $25!
2. The Apollo doesn’t have any braze-ons for derailleur cables on the downtube.
Failure: Can’t transfer stuff from Novara. Success: I get the metal fiddly bits from the Bikeworks bins and Wright Bros.
3. The Novara’s brakes are single-pivot and Area Woman Does Not Have Man Hands
Failure: Can’t reuse Novara’s brakes. Success: Dual Pivot Tektro Long Reach Brakes from Amazon!
4. My legs aren’t quite long enough for the Apollo’s standover height!
Failure: Bike is too tall. Success: Get used 700c wheels from Bikeworks for $25 to lower the bike by a whopping 8mm.
5. I can’t thread my old freewheel onto the new hub!
Failure: Did I just cross-thread this damn thing? Success: Brendan at Alki Bike & Board figures out how to thread it on.
6. Wheel overhaul on the front wheel reveals a cracked cone!
Failure: Boo hoo. These cones are obscure. Success: Bikeworks has cones that look like they might fit!
7. Front wheel axle is damaged, and cones don’t really fit.
Failure: This $10 wheel is nothing but trouble. Success: Karl at Bikeworks lets me exchange it for a New Old one!
8. I now have two 700c wheels on the bike.
Failure: The standover is STILL too close for comfort. Success: I can always shop for taller shoes, right?
9. Converse makes 2″ platform Chucks.
Failure: The shoes arrive and they are like clown shoes. Success: Hopefully the right size will be just what I need…
I can’t wait for the next failure/success cycle!

This bike looks awesome and I am currently rebuilding my apollo deelite. looks to be the same model. I was hoping you could help me. My decals are beyond repair and you can barely tell what they say. would you be able to send me a few photos of your decals so i could recreate them and then print them so I could replace them? this would help me out so much because there arent many of these old frames around
Photos sent!